
This project has some tools included with it to make development and testing easier.

.env File

This file is not committed to source control, but a sample.env is. It’s used to specify local, machine-specific environment variables to use. It’s not strictly necessary for getting up-and-running for development, but it specifies three important variables used by the Makefile:


The Python package manager to use (pip or pipenv).


The Python interpreter to use (python or python3).


The command you use to call the


The number of processors to use for pytest (the default is auto).


The majority of the tasks related to development are handled via Makefile commands. First, make sure you’ve got make installed on your system (included on Linux by default), for more information on make see the GNU Make homepage.

To see a listing of all the commands included in the project’s Makefile simply type:

$ make

Which will run the default target, which is make help, which displays all of the commands included in the Makefile as well as a short description of each:

Usage: make [target]

Available targets:
  authors-draft                  Generates the draft AUTHORS file
  authors                        Generates the AUTHORS file
  build                          Builds the library package
  changelog-draft                Generates the draft new file
  changelog                      Generates the new file
  changes-draft                  Generates the draft changes from the todo files
  changes                        Generates the changes files from the todo files
  check-build                    Check the built packages prior to uploading
  clean-build                    Clean out the compiled package files
  clean                          Cleans all project artifacts.
  clean-docs                     Cleans the generated documentation
  clean-py                       Delete all compiled Python files or temp files
  coverage                       Runs code coverage checks over the codebase
  docs                           Generate Sphinx HTML documentation
  generate-docs                  Generates the documentation files from the source files
  help                           Displays this help message
  lint                           Lint using flake8
  requirements                   Installs Python dependencies
  test                           Run the unit tests over the project
  test-tox                       Run the tox unit tests over the project
  test-types                     Run the unit tests (with MyPy type checks) over the project.
  test-watch                     Run pytest-watch to run tests on project changes
  tox-rebuild                    Rebuilds the tox environments
  update-requirements            Updates the project's dependencies
  upload                         Uploads the package to the PyPI server


Git is used for all of the source code control, the project also uses Git Flow for the general development approach, for details on git flow see the branching model as well as this great cheat-sheet.

The general gist is that you develop new features on (aptly-named) feature branches, which get merged into the main development branch. When ready for a release the development branch is branched off into a new (and generally temporary) release branch. The finishing touches are done there and then the release branch is merged into the master branch and back into the development branch, the master branch is tagged and released. There is also a hotfix branch for when changes need to be made to both the master and development branches to correct a pressing issue.


All changes to this project are maintained in the project’s primary file, as well as individual reStructuredText files in the project documentation for each minor version release. More information can be found in that section.


There’s a directory titled todo in the main project folder, as well as a .envrc file. These work together with the todo-txt cli to manage the project’s todo lists. The data is stored in the txt files in the todo directory, and the .envrc defines an environment variable TODO_DIR which points to that directory (instead of the user’s default directory) for all the todos. You can learn more about the todo-txt program from that project’s USAGE file or the tools help (via todo help or t help).


The script only works on Linux and Mac operating systems (by default). If you’re on Windows you may be able to configure the .env file’s TODO_CMD to work on your system but if not you can easily add/complete todo item’s via the .txt files in the todos directory with your text editor of choice.

For this project’s todo’s the +project tag is used for specifying the CHANGELOG category. For the todos we use the present tense when specifying this (where applicable, e.g. add in the todos corresponds to the added section in the changelogs). If none is given the tools will assume misc. The options are:

  • add

  • change

  • deprecate

  • remove

  • fix

  • security

  • misc

The @context tag is optional and can be used to specify the specific issue number that the todo is in reference to.


Add a todo to refactor a class named “Model”:

$ t a "Refactor Model to extract file functions +change"

Add a todo to fix a bug from issue #1234:

$ t a "Fix bug in Parameter for arrays +fix @1234"

These todo files are used by the project’s invoke tasks/Makefile commands to auto-populate changelogs and such. The todos can also be prioritized using an A-Z system (A being the highest, Z the lowest) via the todo-txt tool’s (p or pri command). For instance, if we wanted to set the priority for todo #2 to B:

$ t pri 2 B