Global Application Configuration

The frequent.config module provides a global applicaton configuration state for managing configuration settings application-wide. It also provides built-in JSON-based serialization and file-storage (though it can easily be extended to use any type of serialization/format desired).


The config module provides the following functions for working with the global application configuration:

get_config(name=None, default=_MISSING)

Gets the configuration setting specified by the name parameter, it will return that setting’s value (or, if provided, the given default). If that setting isn’t found (and no default value was given) a KeyError is raised.

If the name is not provided then a copy of the global configuration object is returned.

set_config(name, value)

Sets the configuration setting with the given name to the given value.


Clears out all of the global configuration settings.


Saves the current global configuration state to the path specified.

load_config(path=None, config_cls=Configuration)

Loads a new configuration object as the global configuration state. If the path parameter is provided it will load it from that file. If the config_cls is specified it will use that class to store the global configuration.


Provides a context-managed temporary configuration object, with the current global configuration settings as it’s starting state (with any given settings keyword arguments set). When the context is exited the original global configuration state is restored.

Getting, Setting & Clearing Settings

To get a copy of the entire Configuration object:

>>> get_config()
<Configuration settings={}>

To set a value:

>>> set_config('setting', 'value')
>>> get_config()
<Configuration settings={'setting': 'value'}>

To get a specific setting:

>>> get_config('setting')

To clear the entire global configuration:

>>> get_config('setting')
>>> clear_config()
>>> get_config('setting')
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'setting'

Saving & Loading Configurations

To save the current global configuration settings to disk:

>>> save_config('/path/to/config.json')

To load a configuration object from disk:

>>> load_config('/path/to/config.json')
>>> get_config()
<Configuration settings={'setting': 'value'}>

To load a custom configuration class from disk (in this case a class called YamlConfiguration):

>>> load_config(path='/path/to/custom_cfg.yaml', config_cls=YamlConfiguration)
>>> get_config()
<YamlConfiguration settings={'setting': 'yaml_stored_value'}>

Temporary Configuration Contexts

To temporarily modify the configuration for a particular block of code you can use the provided temp_config context manager:

>>> get_config()
<Configuration settings={'setting': 'value'}>
>>> with temp_config() as t_cfg:
...     print(t_cfg)
...     set_config('setting', 'temp_value')
...     print(get_config('setting'))
<Configuration settings={'setting': 'value'}>
>>> get_config('setting')

You can also set temporary settings in the call to temp_config:

>>> with temp_config(setting='another_value'):
...     get_config('setting')
>>> get_config('setting')